To use graphical applications over a SSH tunnel, xauth has to be installed on the server machine. This program is found in the xorg-x11 package (when using openSuSE).
After establishing the SSH tunnel using
ssh -X user@host.tld
you can start any X application (i.e. from the bash…).
Category Archives: Memento
1time eMail
Do you know this? You need an email account for a registration or for any acknowledgement and you don’t want to post your “real” email address to prevent spam.
Visit for an account that exists for 10 minutes (or longer).
Nice tool ; )
Thanks to Konsensmilch for the hint.
exim / remove (all) frozen messages from queue
Just a quick & dirty hack to delete frozen messages for a single / some recipient(s)…
# what are we searching for?
# (part of the email-address)
# exim-bin
EXIM=`which exim`
# execute (frozen messages only)..
$EXIM -Mrm $(mailq | grep $SEARCH -B1 | grep frozen |cut -c 11-27)
Thanks to Mark -> this can be done a lot of easier if you want to kill all frozen messages:
exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm
If you want to do this only for some domains / email-addresses, use the first example.